Vocaloid - Hatsune Miku

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Passion Project Reflection

      After watching the Passion Project, I realized many things in my life. What it had shown me was that going it alone is not the correct path to success, everyone thinks of themselves as an independent person, believing they can shoulder everything society throws at them. If that was the case, no one would be committing suicide to get away from it all. Even the people who put up the toughest fronts cannot succeed alone. What people do not realize is the fact that road to success is a difficult journey. We must face many failures before achieving a dream. We all know Walt Disney and his awe inspiring movies we watched as children. He was not always as successful before death. He first started as newspaper editor because he "lacked" imagination. Later as he began to start his businesses, they ended up in failures resulting in bankruptcy. He kept chugging along until he reached success, on the road that only seemed to fail, he was able to once, succeed. This is even shown in one of the Disney movies "Meet the Robinsons" a young boy named Lewis is an orphaned child who later becomes a brilliant inventor. Though it's not a walk in the park for poor Lewis, he is required to face the harsh realities in life where things never go the way you plan. His inventions never seemed to work whenever he presented them, but as he grew older and learned from his mistakes, he became an inventor innovating the future's lifestyle. His motto was "Keep Moving Forward" these words still resonate in my head till this day. The road to success is a long and difficult journey, but once you find something you're passionate about, it will all be worthwhile. 
        Another thing the passion project showed me was that, in life, there are two main roads you can take. One road is the passionate road, the road in which you feel like you have an interest in. This road will make you happy for who you are and you will enjoy life. The other road, is road that makes money. This road will not necessarily be the road that will make you most happy, working day in and day out in a cubicle is not a person's ideal work day, unless you are the type of person who stays holed up all day in a room with a computer, for whatever reasons I need not know. The Passion Project showed me that in order to be my own person and break away from the "black armor" that is holding me back, I must keep pushing for MY dreams the dreams that I want, not my parent's dreams, not my teacher's, no one but mine. My passion is to help others, I want to help others indirectly, not having to hear a word because helping others is an obligation. What I want to do is to become a chemical engineer, making medication for those who really need it in third world counties. Where I came from, the medication was all fraudulent and many people had died because of this. I do not want to face any more loss from children who barely knew their mothers or fathers because of an early death. My father lost his mother at the age of three months, he was taken in by his aunt and abused to the point where now his cartilage in the knees have worn down. The aunt would force him to cook food for her and her family only giving my father the scraps of what was left. This was harsh for a child who was barely eight years old. If children are to suffer like this, it would be unjust for me to sit back. 

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